RBC Mortgage Rates & Reviews

This Page's Content Was Last Updated: September 20, 2024
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Royal Bank of Canada Background


The Royal Bank of Canada is the largest amongst the big 6 Canadian banks in terms of assets and market capitalization, and is one of the largest banks in the world. RBC operates in over 30 countries around the world, including Canada, the U.S. and England. They provide a diversified portfolio of financial services to customers with divisions such as: retail banking, commercial banking, wealth management, capital markets and insurance. Many of these products are offered globally, including RBC’s mortgage products and features that help you purchase a home.

Stock Information:
Listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange: TSE: RY
Listed on the New York Stock Exchange: NYSE: RY

RBC's large presence both online and with its large branch network can be very helpful when doing business with the bank. There are over 1200 RBC branches across Canada, and the company has over 100,000 dedicated employees, which means that no matter where you need a loan or mortgage throughout the country, RBC has the resources to meet your needs. RBC's large footprint has allowed the bank to serve over 18 million customers worldwide, the majority of whom are in Canada.

Best 5-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates in Canada CanadaLeaf
Select Mortgage Term:

RBC Fixed Mortgage Rates

Nearly 50% of RBCs lending portfolio is made of residential mortgages, including both fixed and variable-rate mortgages. RBC’s fixed mortgage rates help you reduce the risk of future interest rate fluctuations by “locking-in” a specific interest rate over your whole term. This gives peace of mind to many homeowners without having to worry about your interest rate potentially rising over your term, keeping your monthly principal and interest payments flat throughout. If you are arranging a new mortgage for a future or current home, your fixed interest rate can be guaranteed for up to 120 days before the closing date of your home. If interest rates go up during that time, you will still be guaranteed this lower rate.

TermRBC RateLowest Rates of Big 6 Banks

The rates shown are for insured mortgages with a down payment of less than 20%. You may get a different rate if you have a low credit score or a conventional mortgage. Rates may change at any time.

RBC Variable Mortgage Rates

RBC variable rate mortgages provide you with fixed payments over the mortgage term; however, the interest rate will fluctuate with any changes in the prime interest rate. If RBC’s prime rate goes down, more of your payment will go towards paying off your principal; if RBC’s prime rate goes up, more of your payment will go towards interest payments. As a result, this can be a great financial tool for those expecting Canada’s interest rates to fall in the upcoming year.

A convertible mortgage is a variable rate mortgage that will allow you to convert to a fixed rate mortgage at any time. This fixed rate mortgage will be based on the rates your lender is offering at the time you convert it. This feature provides security and flexibility, as it enables you to lock-in a fixed rate longer term if interest rates fall, rise, or stay the same.

TermRBC RateLowest Rates of Big 6 Banks

The rates shown are for insured mortgages with a down payment of less than 20%. You may get a different rate if you have a low credit score or a conventional mortgage. Rates may change at any time.

RBC’s History

Canada’s largest bank has a unique history behind it. RBC started off as The Merchants Bank of Halifax in 1864, then continued to grow throughout the years across Canada and globally:

RBC's History

RBC Mortgage Features

Many RBC mortgages come with extra features that can help you pay down your mortgage faster or provide assistance during times of financial stress.

RBC Double-Up Payments

This feature lets you pay off your mortgage faster, allowing you to make mortgage payments for up to double your regular RBC monthly payment. This feature is in addition to your normal mortgage payments, and you can pre-pay any amount from $100, all the way up to matching the amount of your regular mortgage payment. Any prepaid amount will go directly to paying down your principal and can save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the lifetime of your mortgage.

BankHow The Feature Works
RBCEach month you can include an additional mortgage payment for up to 100% of your regular monthly payment.
TDInclude an additional mortgage payment for up to 100% of your regular monthly payment once per year.
ScotiabankEach month you can include an additional mortgage payment for up to 100% of your regular monthly payment.
BMOPermanently increase your mortgage payment by up to 20% each month. This can be changed once every calendar year.
CIBCEach month you can include an additional mortgage payment for up to 100% of your regular monthly payment.
National BankEach month you can include an additional mortgage payment for up to 100% of your regular monthly payment.

RBC Annual Mortgage Prepayment

You can prepay up to 10% of the original principal amount of your mortgage once in every 12-month period without a mortgage penalty. Any additional prepayments over your monthly mortgage payment will go directly to your mortgage principal. Prepaying your mortgage can help you to limit the total amount of interest you will owe during your mortgage term, and helps you repay your mortgage much quicker.

All big 6 banks in Canada offer you the ability to pay down a maximum amount on closed mortgages ranging from 10% to 20% per year of the original principal amount:

Annual Mortgage Prepayment Limits by Bank

Note: Limits are for closed mortgages and are current as of September 2024. Your actual limit may vary depending on your mortgage agreement.

RBC has one of the lowest prepayment amounts you can pay at only 10% of your original mortgage amount. For some buyers, this may get in the way of you paying your mortgage off very aggressively, however getting an open mortgage where you can pay the loan off at any time in full may be a better option if this is the case.

RBC Skip A Payment

This feature lets you quickly and easily skip a month's worth of mortgage payments once every 12 months. Depending on how frequently you pay your mortgage,, you are able to skip mortgage payments in the following intervals:

  • Four consecutive weekly payments,
  • Two consecutive bi-weekly payments, or
  • One monthly payment

When you skip a mortgage payment, the interest for this time period is automatically added back to your mortgage. Overtime this will mean you will pay more in interest over your term, however your monthly mortgage payment will not change and you can pay back your skipped payments at any time. If you have an RBC mortgage and want to use this feature, you can do it by logging into your mortgage account and selecting the “Skip A Payment” link, then following the instructions on that page.

BankHow The Feature Works
RBCEvery 12 months, skip up to the equivalent of 1 months worth of mortgage payments.
TD BankEvery 12 months, skip up to the equivalent of 1 months worth of mortgage payments partially or in full.
ScotiabankYou can miss one payment as long as you have doubled your monthly mortgage payment at least once over your term.
BMOEvery 12 months, skip up to the equivalent of 1 months worth of mortgage payments.
CIBCIf you qualify, you may defer your mortgage payments temporarily.
National BankNational Bank does not offer this feature.

This program can help you to ease your monthly payments if any unexpected expenses or job loss occurs, giving you time to rebound. If you have additional add-ons such as mortgage protection insurance or if you are paying property tax through RBC, you will still be required to make these additional payments during the periods you skip. It's also important to be aware that skipping periods will add to your interest payments that you will owe over your term, as interest still accrues. If you are planning on using this feature for a period, it's important to inform RBC as soon as possible, with requests taking up to 5 days to process.

RBC HomeProtector Insurance

This is a form of mortgage protection insurance that can help pay for your mortgage in the event of death, critical illness, or disability. Premiums are set when you apply and will not increase as long as your mortgage balance does not increase and you don't refinance your mortgage. Getting HomeProtector Insurance is optional, however it may provide some peace of mind, especially if you do not have individual life insurance. Since this is an add-on coverage, insurance payments are separate from your mortgage. Mortgage protection insurance is different from home insurance. You can get RBC home insurance for home and property insurance, such as coverage against fire, flooding, and theft.

The monthly cost of RBC HomeProtector Insurance is based on your age, amount of coverage, and how many people are getting covered. Monthly premiums are charged for every $1000 of your initial mortgage balance, with the following costs per $1000 in coverage, per month:

AgeSingle Coverage (SC)Joint Coverage (JC)Monthly Premiums on $500,000 in Coverage
18-30$0.10$0.17(SC): $50 (JC): $85
31-36$0.14$0.24(SC): $70 (JC): $120
37-41$0.21$0.36(SC): $105 (JC): $180
42-45$0.30$0.51(SC): $150 (JC): $255
46-50$0.43$0.73(SC): $215 (JC): $365
51-55$0.57$0.97(SC): $285 (JC): $485
56-60$0.76$1.29(SC): $380 (JC): $645
61-65$1.02$1.73(SC): $510 (JC): $865
66-69$1.63$2.77(SC): $815 (JC): $1,385

Note: Premium rates are current as of September 2024

All the big 6 banks in Canada offer their own form of mortgage protection insurance, with mortgage life insurance and critical illness insurance being offered across all 6 banks:

BankMortgage Life Insurance Coverage LimitsAdd-on Coverage(s)
RBC$750,000Critical Illness & Disability Insurance
TD$1,000,000Critical Illness Insurance
Scotiabank$1,000,000Critical Illness & Disability Insurance
BMO$750,000Critical Illness, Disability, & Job Loss Insurance
CIBC$750,000Critical Illness & Disability Insurance
National Bank$1,000,000Critical Illness & Disability Insurance

Monthly Property Tax Payments

With an RBC mortgage you will have the option to or be required to make monthly property tax payments to RBC along with your monthly mortgage payments. RBC then uses this money to pay your property taxes on your behalf when they become due.

You may be required to pay your property taxes through the bank depending on: if you are a first time home buyer, your mortgage terms, your down payment amount, and your credit history. Even if you are not required in your mortgage to pay through RBC, you are still able to do this by contacting the bank to arrange this feature with your mortgage. The reason RBC makes this feature mandatory for some mortgages is so that home buyers do not fall behind on property tax payments, which will then act as a lien on the house. All the major Canadian banks also offer the choice to pay property taxes with them through your mortgage.

How the Process Works

Every month, even in months where you defer your mortgage amount you will have a property tax estimate that you will pay to RBC. They are able to estimate how much your property taxes will be based on information about the property tax rate in the city, along with your appraised value and amount paid the year prior. This money you pay every month will stay with RBC until it comes time to pay the yearly amount, which RBC will then do on your behalf. If your actual yearly property tax payment is above the estimate, RBC will advance the money needed to cover the shortfall, which you will then need to pay back with interest. If the estimate is above the actual amount of property taxes, RBC will give you interest on the difference.

Pros & Cons

✔ Pros✖ Cons
  • Helps you Budget Better
  • Earn No Interest on Your Money
  • Easier Way to Pay
  • Estimates Are Usually Too High; More of Your Money is Locked Up

The biggest benefits of having RBC pay your property taxes on your behalf is how much easier it makes budgeting and paying. Instead of having to remember to pay the bill and when to pay it, RBC will do this all on your behalf. As well, it allows you to better plan in advance for how much the bill will be with it being included in your monthly mortgage payments. This prevents you from not having the amount in your bank account at the end of the year to pay.

The cons of paying property taxes through the bank is that you will miss out on interest by not holding your budgeted property tax payments in your savings account. Instead, RBC holds the money on your behalf, and you aren't able to earn interest on it. As well, it's likely that your property tax estimate paying through the bank will have a cushion built into it, meaning you will likely be making slightly higher payments than your actual property tax bill will be, which will then be used in the future for your next property tax bill. This leaves more of your money locked up for the year as you wait for your municipal assessment.

Best 5-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates in Canada CanadaLeaf
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Other RBC Mortgage Products

The Royal Bank of Canada also offers specialty mortgage products for borrowers with different objectives and criterias.

RBC Investment Property Mortgage:

This is a specialized mortgage for borrowers looking to buy an investment property or convert their current homes to a rental property. You can finance up to 80% of the appraised value of the property with this mortgage.

What You Will Need

In order to get an investment property mortgage, you will need the following:

  • A down payment of 20% or more,
  • A good credit score and clean credit history,
  • Stable and sufficient income,
  • Documentation such as your most recent Notice of Assessment & T776 form, and
  • Current lease agreements for the property or market rent estimates


Since most investment properties are not owner occupied, many are not eligible for high-ratio mortgage insurance. This will mean you will need to have a down payment of over 20%, a good credit score, and the financial flexibility to cover the mortgage and your living expenses. It will also mean you will pay higher interest rates on the mortgage amount, meaning you will need to budget for these higher costs when deciding if purchasing an investment property is feasible for your situation. With over 1200 branches across Canada, RBC offers the convenience and flexibility to purchase an investment property almost anywhere in Canada using a mortgage from them.

What to Consider When Looking for a Rental Property


One of the only things you will not be able to change about a property is where it is located. This means that finding a property in a location that is in a good neighbourhood, with good job prospects, close to amenities, and is in demand to rent may make for a good long term investment.


Some major costs to be aware of when looking to purchase a rental property and determining the attractiveness of the opportunity include:

Homeowners InsuranceTo protect your property from damage. This will vary depending on your coverage, where you live, and the age and type of property you are insuring.
Legal Fees & Administrative CostsThis includes the costs of drafting rental agreements, checking a tenant’s credit history, and the day-to-day expenses of managing your property.
Property TaxesNo matter what city you live in, you will need to pay property taxes based on your appraised home value.
Repairs & MaintenanceEspecially with older properties, things will break or need replacing, along with constant maintenance to upkeep the property.
Vacancy AllowancesIt is important to plan ahead for any times your property may sit empty without rent, which will depend on the demand in the area and tenant turnover.


How much you pay for a property will ultimately determine your return on investment when purchasing an investment property. This makes the price you're paying very important so that you are able to get a return on your investment that is worth your risk, time, and money. Real estate properties are usually valued based on their capitalization rate, which is how much operating income they produce, divided by their purchase price. A higher capitalization rate may mean you can get a higher return on investment, but it usually will also mean a higher-risk property. A low capitalization rate could mean that a property is expensive for what you're getting, but it could be because of the high demand for properties in the area.

Time Commitment

If you decide to manage the property without the help of a property management company, you will be responsible for managing the day-to-day obligations of the property. This includes renting out the property, collecting the rent, resolving tenant issues, and organizing paperwork.

Rental Property Options

Single Unit Residential Properties

This option includes single family homes, condos and townhouses. These types of rental properties can be attractive for first time real estate investors or those looking for lower priced options to build equity. Single unit properties will usually have 1 tenant, unless each room is being rented out.

Multi-Unit Residential Properties

Typically this is for properties between 2 to 6 units where the owner owns the entire building, rather than just a unit in the building. Because it has more units, multi-unit residential properties will usually be much more expensive than single unit properties. Since there are multiple units, the owner may choose to live in one unit, while renting out the other units, or rent out all the units and live somewhere else.

Commercial Real Estate

Businesses looking for a mortgage to purchase an income-producing property would require a commercial mortgage loan from RBC instead. Commercial real estate includes the following:

  • Multi-residential properties with 7 or more units,
  • Office properties,
  • Retail properties, and
  • Industrial properties

Since these properties usually have much higher prices, you will likely need a much larger loan than a single unit or multi-unit income property. Commercial real estate is typically purchased by more experienced real estate investors with a large amount of equity.

RBC Vacation Home Mortgage

This is a specialized mortgage for borrowers looking to buy a second home or vacation property. You can finance up to 95% of the appraised value of the property depending on if you already own a home and the purchase price.

In order to finance up to 95% of the appraised value of the vacation home, you will need mortgage insurance. If you currently have a CMHC-insured mortgage for your primary residence, you may need to use a different insurer for your vacation home mortgage.

For those looking to get a property to rent out and use in a vacation destination, an income property mortgage may also be another option to purchase with. Considering that another home to pay a mortgage on would mean higher overall housing costs and therefore higher debt service ratios, including your potential rental income and renting out your vacation home when it's not in use can help you pass mortgage stress tests and make getting a vacation home more affordable.

Buying a Vacation Home in the USA

For those looking to purchase a vacation home outside of Canada, RBC’s presence throughout the USA can make the process of getting approved for a mortgage much easier. RBC allows Canadians who bank with them to potentially leverage their Canadian credit score in order to qualify for a mortgage in the US. This can be very helpful, considering some Canadians can struggle getting financing outside of Canada or may require a very high down payment in order to get financing. This may open up more opportunities to buy a vacation home in Florida or in states throughout the USA.

Tax Implications for a Vacation Home

If your vacation home is not a permanent residence and you already have one home, you will be subject to capital gains tax if you sell your home in the future for more than your adjusted cost. Your adjusted cost will be your total purchase price and the money you spent on any renovations for the home, meaning it's important to keep track of these.

Another important tax implication of a vacation home is how rental income is taxed. You can deduct expenses incurred from renting the home, including maintenance, advertising, utilities, and mortgage interest. This is an important tax benefit that will make any rental income you earn from the property that much more lucrative.

RBC Cash Back Mortgage

This is a special program that allows you to get up to 7% of your mortgage value, for up to a maximum of $20,000 in cash back.

The amount of money you will be able to get with a cash-back mortgage will depend on your mortgage size and term.

Depending on your home purchase price and your eligibility, you may be able to receive the following amounts in cash back when you purchase:

Mortgage Amount2% Cash Back4% Cash Back6% Cash Back7% Cash Back

Pros of a Cash Back Mortgage

A cash back mortgage allows you added financial flexibility, which can help you to consolidate debts that have a higher interest rate into your mortgage, cover home closing costs, do a renovation, pad your savings, and even put money towards expenses or investments. Consolidating debts, which is very common with cash back mortgages, can especially save you money if you pay back high-interest debt, such as a credit card or auto loan, with the mortgage cash back you receive.

Cons of a Cash Back Mortgage

A cash back mortgage will sometimes mean a higher interest rate on your mortgage, as the lender looks to be compensated. Over time, this may mean you are paying more in interest than you received in cash back over your mortgage term. If you don’t keep the mortgage until the end of its term, you may also have to repay the cash back that you received.

RBC Self Employed Mortgage

This mortgage offering is tailored specifically for people who own a business or are freelancers. An RBC self-employed mortgage lets you finance up to 80% of the appraised value of your home when refinancing and 90% when purchasing. Additional mortgage insurance may be needed for Loan-to-values of higher than 65%.

Requirements for a Self-Employed Mortgage

To get a self-employed mortgage at RBC, you will need the following:

  • Your most recent and past Notice of Assessments,
  • Good credit history, and
  • Sufficient income

In addition, it's likely that the bank will want to see other supporting documents about your self-employment status, which may include:

  • Business financial statements,
  • Proof of ownership,
  • Contracts showing future business,
  • Proof of your GST and HST being paid

RBC US Mortgage

With branches throughout 6 southeastern states in the USA such as Georgia, Florida and North Carolina, getting a mortgage in the USA is easy for Canadians even without a US credit history. RBC is able to leverage your credit history from Canada along with your assets in order to help you purchase a home in the US.

How an RBC US Mortgage is Helpful

Usually, if you are a Canadian looking to purchase a home in the US, you likely may not have any or very little credit history in the country, which can be a major roadblock in getting a mortgage. This makes it tough to find any financing, especially if you do not have a very large down payment and strong income. With RBC’s presence in Canada, you are able to leverage your Canadian credit history, which makes getting a mortgage in the US through them very doable, especially if you don't have much of a credit history in the US.

RBC US Mortgage Terms

RBC offers Canadians the following benefits and terms when buying in the US:

  • The ability to use your Canadian credit history,
  • Financing in all 50 US states,
  • 4 mortgage terms, including a 3-year, 4-year, 5-year, and 10-year mortgage term, all with a 30 year amortization,
  • The ability to make penalty-free lump sum payments towards your mortgage amount, and
  • Only a 20% down payment is needed to purchase for most people

RBC Homeline Plan®

The RBC Homeline Plan® is an all-in-one lending solution that combines a traditional mortgage with a HELOC (RBC Royal Credit Line®). One of its advantages is that you can lock-in a rate for your HELOC to protect yourself from interest rate fluctuations. You can also divide your mortgage into fixed-rate and variable-rate portions. For terms and eligibility, talk to your local RBC branch advisor.

RBC Homeline Plan® Uses

Homeline can be a good option for people who have equity in their home and need money for:

  • Home Improvements,
  • Consolidating their debt,
  • Education,
  • An emergency

With lower interest than many other forms of credit, RBC’s Homeline Plan® can help you get cash for any situation.

Interest Rate Comparison to Other Products

With much lower interest than many other forms of credit, it can be beneficial for homeowners with equity to consolidate debt with RBC’s Homeline Plan®:

ProductAverage Interest Rate
Homeline5-Year Fixed: 5%
Credit Card19.99%
Car Loan7.59%
Traditional Line of Credit7%+

The biggest thing to remember when consolidating debt however is that your home is the collateral.

Big 6 Bank Comparable Offerings

All big 6 banks in Canada offer mortgages with a line of credit. A list of these products include:

RBC Homeline Plan®TD Home Equity FlexLineScotia Total Equity Plan
CIBC Home Power PlanBMO Homeowner ReadiLineNational Bank All-In-One

RBC Royal Bank Prime Rate

RBC Royal Bank's Prime Rate is used as the basis for many of RBCs products, including variable rate mortgages, traditional lines of credit, and HELOCs. The Prime Rate is normally combined with a spread depending on the product and the riskiness of it, to make up the final interest rate.

RBC Prime Rate

rbc logo

Current RBC Prime Rate: undefined%

RBC Prime Rate Dependent Products

The prime rate is the foundation that RBC uses to make loans to its customers. Higher risk loans such as credit cards, car loans, and personal loans may have an added amount of interest rate added to it because of this, while lower risk loans like a mortgage loan may be lower than the prime rate because of the collateral involved.


RBC Posted Rates

RBC posted rates are the official rates used when calculating your mortgage break penalty, which is the fee you pay if you want to break or refinance your mortgage early. Your mortgage payment, interest, and stress test will be based on a different rate, which is usually lower than the posted rate.

RBC calculates your mortgage break penalty by using either a method called an Interest Rate Differential, or by charging you 3 months worth of interest, whatever amount is higher. For the Interest Rate Differential method, RBC uses the contract rate on your mortgage minus any original discounts, then compares it to the posted rate with the most similar term as your mortgage has remaining. The difference between the contract rate on your mortgage including the discounts and the posted rate is the amount of interest you will owe for breaking your mortgage, across the remaining term.

For example, you have a $200,000 mortgage that has 3 years left on its term, and you are planning to break your mortgage contract. The rate that you got when you took out this mortgage was 4% including the discount you were given. The current 3 year RBC posted rate is 3.45%. This means there is a 0.55% difference between the posted rate and your rate. Your mortgage break penalty is therefore 0.55% multiplied by both your mortgage amount left, which is $200,000, and the length left on your term, which is 3 years. This means that you will pay $3300 in a mortgage break fee.

Term LengthRBC Posted Rate
0.5-Year Fixed
1-Year Fixed
2-Year Fixed
3-Year Fixed
4-Year Fixed
5-Year Fixed
7-Year Fixed
10-Year Fixed

How to Get an RBC Mortgage

You will not be able to get an RBC mortgage through an independent mortgage broker. Instead, you will need to get a mortgage product directly from RBC. This can still be convenient, such as shopping around online and in person for mortgage rates, before committing to getting a mortgage with RBC. When it comes time to get a mortgage with RBC, having over 1200 branches Canada-wide, online options, and over the phone options can make the process much simpler. If you haven't banked with or got a mortgage with RBC in the past, contacting your local branch can help you to get an appointment with one of RBCs mortgage specialists. You will also need home owners insurance to be approved for an RBC mortgage.

When you are ready to get an RBC mortgage, you should speak with an RBC branch advisor or mortgage specialist. You will also likely need the following documents:

  • Your T1 and most recent Notice of Assessment,
  • A list of your current assets and liabilities,
  • Confirmation of your down payment, which may include recent bank statements, RRSP withdrawal confirmations, or a Gift Letter,
  • Documents proving current employment and income, including recent pay slips,
  • Documents proving additional income if any, and
  • Details about the property, including the listing (if applicable) and any associated bills and taxes (e.g. property taxes, condo fees and heating costs).

During your meeting, you will be able to establish how large of a mortgage you can afford. For a quick estimate however, check WOWA's Mortgage Affordability Calculator.

RBC Mortgage Break Penalty

Bank or LenderVariable Rate MortgageFixed Rate Mortgage
RBC3 Months’ InterestGreater of 3 Months’ Interest or the IRD amount

Interest Rate Differential (IRD) for RBC

This is the difference in interest payable between your current interest rate and RBC's posted rate for a term similar to the time remaining, less any rate reduction (contract rate discount from posted rate) that you received.

RBC Mortgage Prepayment Calculator

Are you looking to pay off your mortgage early? Or refinance the terms of your mortgage at a lower interest rate? Maybe you sold your home. Whatever the case, you most likely will have to pay a mortgage break penalty set by your lender. Whatever the situation, our calculator will help you determine the cost to break your mortgage so you can be confident about your mortgage decisions.


What is the remaining balance on your mortgage?

What is the term-length and type of your current mortgage?

Variable Rate
Fixed Rate

What is your current mortgage interest rate?


If applicable, what was the rate discount you received when you signed your current mortgage agreement?

The day you signed your mortgage, your lender may have provided you with a discount. You may be paying 3.25% but the posted rate on that day was 3.75%, a discount of 0.5%. If you are unaware of any discount, you can skip this step.

When did your current mortgage start?

Who is your current mortgage lender?

What is RBC Royal Bank's current interest rate for a 3-year fixed rate mortgage?

We have populated this field for you with our most up to date data. For information on why we need this field see Interest Rate Differential
Your estimated mortgage break penalty is...

How is my mortgage penalty calculated?

Remaining Mortgage Balance
Current Mortgage Interest Rate
3-Months Interest
Total Penalty

RBC Mortgage Pre-Approval

A mortgage pre-approval is when a lender will commit to providing you with a mortgage loan after checking your credit and financial information. The process of getting pre-approved for an RBC mortgage can be done both in person when you sit down and speak with a mortgage specialist, going online and filling out RBC’s pre-approval application, or over the phone. After providing RBC with your information, which includes your employment status, current income, assets and liabilities, and your down payment, you will hear back from the bank with information on how much they are willing to lend you and at what terms. Once you hear back, you will need to confirm the information you provided with proof, then you will be ready to start putting in offers with confidence!

Although you can do this process independently, meeting with an RBC mortgage specialist and filling out the application in person is usually the best choice. This will allow you to discuss your mortgage, including your mortgage amount, down payment, your purchase price or budget, and your individual needs with a mortgage professional.

Benefits of Getting Pre-Approved

Since getting pre-approved doesn't cost anything and is a relatively quick process, there is little downside to doing it if you are planning on purchasing a home soon. Some of the benefits of getting pre-approved include:

  • Knowing how much of a mortgage you can get and your budget,
  • Planning for your monthly payments,
  • Locking-in an interest rate,
  • Being able to make an offer without a financing condition, which can make your offer more competitive, and
  • Starting the home buying process

When to Get Pre-Approved

Generally it is a good idea to get pre-approved before house hunting. This is so that you will be able to have all the information to feel confident searching for a home, and to be able to make an offer without a financing condition.

Pre-Approved vs Pre-Qualified

Getting pre-qualified is the process of submitting your financial and personal information to a lender, who will then provide you with an assessment of how much they'd be willing to lend to you. The lender is not guaranteeing you the loan, only giving you a soft estimate of how much you might be able to spend based on the information provided. This differs from a pre-approval, considering that a pre-approval is a commitment to loan you money, while a pre-qualification is not. Getting pre-qualified is also much faster, with your lender doing only a soft credit check which will not affect your credit score and can give you information in minutes.

RBC Mortgage Specialist

An RBC mortgage specialist acts as a mortgage broker for all of RBC’s mortgage products. Mortgage specialists operate on commissions and are more independent because of this, however they only will sell RBC mortgages. A major benefit of mortgage specialists being independent bank representatives is that it leaves them more room to be flexible in the rate and terms you may get in a mortgage. This is because they may be willing to trade some of their commission to get you a lower rate and to close the deal.

Best 5-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates in Canada CanadaLeaf
Select Mortgage Term:

RBC Mortgage Contact

If you are looking for an RBC mortgage representative to talk to over the phone, the number to call is 1-800-769-2511. If you are looking for a branch to visit, RBC’s branch locator can help you find a branch or ATM in any city or based on where you currently are. From here, you are able to get directions, book an appointment, and find out more information about the branch, including the hours of operation, additional services offered, and the languages that they have customer service in. You can transfer money to RBC using their financial institution number 003.

RBC Reviews

To get an accurate representation of what banking with and getting a mortgage with RBC is like, we have analyzed hundreds of reviews from multiple websites. With RBC operating as a financial institution across multiple business lines, these reviews will reflect the overall quality of service the bank provides. However, customers with complaints are more likely to post a review compared to satisfied customers.

Average Review Result: 1.9/5.0 across 1,508 reviews

WalletHub: 2.4/5.0 from 720 reviews

Consumer Affairs: 1.5/5.0 from 523 reviews

InsurEYE: 1.4/5.0 from 265 reviews

Pros & Cons of RBC

✔ Pros✖ Cons
  • Vast network of branches with over 1200 across Canada.
  • Mortgage rates can be higher than some other lenders.
  • Online and over the phone mortgage application options.
  • Long telephone wait times for customer service calls.
  • Full suite of credit and mortgage offerings, features, and add-ons.

RBC Mortgage Deferrals

Currently you aren't able to defer your mortgage as many mortgage relief plans at RBC have come to an end. If you are in a position where you may need assistance with your finances, talking with your RBC representative can be a good way to analyze your situation and see what is available to help you.


  • Any analysis or commentary reflects the opinions of WOWA.ca analysts and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult a licensed professional before making any decisions.
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  • Financial institutions and brokerages may compensate us for connecting customers to them through payments for advertisements, clicks, and leads.
  • Interest rates are sourced from financial institutions' websites or provided to us directly. Real estate data is sourced from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and regional boards' websites and documents.