6 big Canadian banks' mortgage growth from Oct. 31, 2013 to Oct. 31, 2023
Canada 🍁 :⬆️74% in 10-years
$824B to $1,430B
Ontario:⬆️102% in 10-years 🤯
$367B to $742B
British Colombia:⬆️ 83% in 10-years
$148B to $271B
Prairies (AB, SK, MB): ⬆️28% in 10-years
$158B to $203B
Quebec: ⬆️57% in 10-years
$101B to $159B
Atlantic Canada (PE, NL, NB, NS):⬆️66% in 10-years
$33B to $55B
ON & BC's soaring mortgage debt raises huge concerns. Especially considering that their average incomes are very close to the national averages.
Average incomes of Canadian provinces in 2021:
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