Kitchener Mortgage Rates

As of March 25, 2025 at 5:49 PM ET
WOWA Simply Know Your Options
Lowest Mortgage Rates in Kitchener
As of March 25, 2025
Current Mortgage Rates in Kitchener
As of March 25, 2025 at 5:49 PM ET
Mortgage Term
Mortgage Type
Mortgage Amount
Mortgage Term
Mortgage Type

Insured Rates

What are the best mortgage rates in Kitchener?

As of March 25, 2025,

  • The best 1-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 4.79%, which is offered by Frank Mortgage logo Frank Mortgage
  • The best 2-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.94%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage
  • The best 3-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.74%, which is offered by Frank Mortgage logo Frank Mortgage
  • The best 4-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 4.19%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage
  • The best 5-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.64%, which is offered by nesto logo nesto
  • The best 5-year variable insured mortgage rate is 3.89%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage

Mortgage Amounts in Kitchener

Prospective buyers will need to constantly assess the state of the housing market in Kitchener as prices move higher and will need to have a large mortgage and a comfortable budget to enter the market. With prices going up over 300% over the last 14 years from $252,000 in 2007 to $757,906 now, this means the average mortgage needed has also gone up by a similar amount.

Land Transfer Tax in Kitchener

Consistent with all other municipalities across Ontario, Kitchener home transactions have a provincial land transfer tax attached to them. Depending on the home purchase price, marginal tax rates range from 0.5% on the first $55,000, all the way up to 2.5% on amounts over $2,000,000. This means that the higher your expected price range is, the more transfer tax that you will have to consider when getting your mortgage.

If you are a first time home buyer, the amount of transfer tax you will need to pay at close will likely be lower. The government of Ontario offers a rebate for up to $4000, meaning that only for homes purchased at more than $368,333 will you need to pay any land transfer tax. If your purchased home price is above this, then you will pay the full amount minus the $4000 rebate.

Kitchener Home Prices

The Kitchener-Waterloo average sale price for a home in the region was $757,906. This average includes the following prices:

Home StyleAverage Price1 Year Price Change (%)
Detached Home$899,315↑36.9%
Apartment-Style Condominium$441,887↑21.2%

About Kitchener

With the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge population at over 590,000 people, and with Kitchener itself having over 233,000 people, the region is one of the biggest in Ontario. The population in the region is expected to continue to grow at a fast pace, to over 950,000 people by 2051. This continued population growth will only mean more people will be living in the region, continuing to add new demand to an already red hot market.

Kitchener's property tax rate in 2020 is 1.0995% of the assessed home value, which you will pay to the city of Kitchener by paying it to your lender. This rate is similar to other cities in the province, and is shown below compared to Hamilton, London, and Ottawa:

City Property Tax Rate (2020)Property Tax Owed on a $500,000 Assessed Property

By being aware of property tax amounts in your monthly housing budget, you can make a more informed decision on how much of a mortgage you can afford.

Lender Information

LenderNumber of LocationsMortgage Inquiry
Phone #
Alterna SavingsAlterna Savings has no branches in Kitchener. 1-877-560-0100
BMOBMO has 11 branches in Kitchener-Waterloo.General Inquiries- 1-844-837-9228
Caisse AllianceCaisse Alliance has no branches in KitchenerNo Direct Number
Canada LifeCanada Life has no branches in Kitchener.No Direct Number
Canadian WesternCanadian Western Bank has no branches in Kitchener.No Direct Number
CIBCCIBC has 11 branches in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-866-525-8622
CMLSCMLS Financial has no branches in Kitchener.1-888-995-2657
DesjardinsDesjardins has no branches in Kitchener. 1-844-626-2476
Dominion LendingN/A
DUCADUCA Credit Union has no branches in Kitchener.1-866-900-3822
EquitableEquitable Bank is a digital bank and has no branches in Kitchener.1-888-334-3313
First NationalFirst National has no branches in Kitchener. No Direct Number
First OntarioFirst Ontario Credit Union has no branches in Kitchener. General Inquiries: 1-800-616-8878
HSBCHSBC has 1 branch in Kitchener- Waterloo.General Inquiries: 1-888-310-4722
ICICIICICI Bank has no branches in Kitchener.No Direct Number
Investors GroupInvestors Group has 2 branches in Kitchener.No Direct Number
Kawartha Credit UnionKawartha Credit Union has no branches in Kitchener.Contact Centre: 1-855-670-0510
LaurentianLaurentian Bank has no branches in Kitchener.1-866-522-4655
ManulifeManulife Bank has no branches in Kitchener.1-877-765-2265
MCAPMCAP has 1 office in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-800-265-2624
MeridianMeridian has 1 branch in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-866-592-2226
Mortgage AllianceN/A
motusbankMotusBank is a digital bank and has no branches in Kitchener.1-833-696-6887
National BankNational Bank has 1 branch in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-855-755-9533 (Option 4)
Northern BirchNorthern Birch Credit Union has no branches in KitchenerNo Direct Number
Pathwise Credit UnionPathwise Credit Union has no branches in Kitchener.
RapportRapport Credit Union has no branches in KitchenerNo Direct Number
RBCRBC has 12 branches in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-800-769-2511
SBI Canada BankSBI Bank Canada has no branches in Kitchener.No Direct Number
ScotiabankScotiabank has 9 branches in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-877-303-8879
Simplii FinancialSimplii Financial is a digital bank and has no branches in Kitchener. 1-888-866-0866
TangerineTangerine Bank has no branches in Kitchener.1-888-826-4374
TDTD Bank has 15 branches in Kitchener-Waterloo.1-800-722-3098
YNCUYNCU has 2 branches in Kitchener, and 2 in WaterlooNo Direct Number


  • Any analysis or commentary reflects the opinions of analysts and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult a licensed professional before making any decisions.
  • The calculators and content on this page are for general information only. WOWA does not guarantee the accuracy and is not responsible for any consequences of using the calculator.
  • Financial institutions and brokerages may compensate us for connecting customers to them through payments for advertisements, clicks, and leads.
  • Interest rates are sourced from financial institutions' websites or provided to us directly. Real estate data is sourced from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and regional boards' websites and documents.