Hamilton Mortgage Rates

As of March 28, 2025 at 1:32 PM ET
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Lowest Mortgage Rates in Hamilton
As of March 28, 2025
February 2025Hamilton Housing Market
Average Home Price-
Monthly Change-
Yearly Change-
Current Mortgage Rates in Hamilton
As of March 28, 2025 at 1:32 PM ET
Mortgage Term
Mortgage Type
Mortgage Amount
Mortgage Term
Mortgage Type

Insured Rates

What are the best mortgage rates in Hamilton?

As of March 28, 2025,

  • The best 1-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 4.79%, which is offered by Frank Mortgage logo Frank Mortgage
  • The best 2-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.94%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage
  • The best 3-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.74%, which is offered by Frank Mortgage logo Frank Mortgage
  • The best 4-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 4.19%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage
  • The best 5-year fixed insured mortgage rate is 3.64%, which is offered by nesto logo nesto
  • The best 5-year variable insured mortgage rate is 3.89%, which is offered by Butler Mortgage logo Butler Mortgage

About Hamilton

With a population of over 536,000 people, Hamilton is one of the largest cities in Ontario.

The economy of Hamilton has shifted over the past 20 years, from being a very industrial city to a more diversified economy. The city has seen investments over the last few years from the likes of large companies across industries, including Amazon, Maple Leaf, IBM, and Nokia. As companies continue to invest in the region and create new jobs across sectors, this will bring in people from all over, and the housing demand in the city will only continue to grow.

Land Transfer Tax in Hamilton

Hamilton home buyers can expect to pay a marginal land transfer tax rate depending on the price of their home. The higher the purchase price is, the higher the land transfer tax rate will be. When determining how large of a mortgage amount to get, buyers should include land transfer costs to get a true representation of a home's price. Below shows a breakdown of these rates depending on your purchase price:

Purchase PriceLand Transfer Tax Marginal Rate
First $55,0000.5%
$55,000 to $250,0001%
$250,000 to $400,0001.5%
$400,000 to $2,000,0002%
Over $2,000,0002.5%

First time home buyers in Hamilton are eligible for a rebate of up to $4000, which can help to reduce the transfer taxes owed while leaving you with more room in your budget to spend on a home.

Cost of Living in Hamilton

Hamilton has a reasonable cost of living that is similar to cities in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), such as Brampton, Mississauga, and Markham.

CityCost of Living Per Month - Family of 3

For young families, Hamilton has some of the lowest preschool rates among major cities in Ontario, with an average rate of $825 per month. This compares to $955 in Brampton, $1042 in Mississauga, and $1180 in Markham. Having cheaper childcare will make having both parents working more worthwhile, which can help home buyers save faster for a down payment and afford a larger mortgage.

Home prices in Hamilton

Property Tax in Hamilton

In 2020, Hamilton’s property tax rate was 1.189% of the assessed value of a home. Usually, your property tax bill will be paid through your lender if you have a mortgage. This means that for a home assessed at $500,000, property taxes will be $5945. Compared to similarly sized cities, the property tax rate in Hamilton is slightly higher than the average:

City Property Tax Rate (2020) Property Tax Owed on a $500,000 Assessed Home

Lender Information

LenderNumber of LocationsMortgage Inquiry
Phone #
Alterna SavingsAlterna Savings has no branches in Hamilton. 1-877-560-0100
BMOBMO has 11 branches in Hamilton. General Inquiries- 1-844-837-9228
Caisse AllianceCaisse Alliance has no branches in HamiltonNo Direct Number
Canada LifeCanada Life has no branches in Hamilton.No Direct Number
Canadian WesternCanadian Western Bank has no branches in Hamilton.No Direct Number
CIBCCIBC has 17 branches in Hamilton.1-866-525-8622
CMLSCMLS Financial has no branches in Hamilton.1-888-995-2657
DesjardinsDesjardins has no branches in Hamilton.1-844-626-2476
Dominion LendingN/A
DUCADUCA Credit Union has no branches in Hamilton.1-866-900-3822
DUCADUCA Credit Union has no branches in Hamilton.1-866-900-3822
EquitableEquitable Bank is a digital bank and has no branches in Hamilton.1-888-334-3313
First NationalFirst National has no branches in Hamilton. No inquiry number
First OntarioFirst Ontario Credit Union has 6 branches in Hamilton.General Inquiries: 1-800-616-8878
HSBCHSBC has 1 branch in Hamilton. General Inquiries: 1-888-310-4722
ICICIICICI Bank has no branches in Hamilton. No Direct Number
Investors GroupInvestors Group has 2 branches in Hamilton.No Direct Number
Kawartha Credit UnionKawartha Credit Union has no branches in Hamilton.Contact Centre: 1-855-670-0510
LaurentianLaurentian Bank has no branches in Hamilton.1-866-522-4655
ManulifeManulife Bank has no branches in Hamilton.1-877-765-2265
MCAPMCAP has no branches in Hamilton.1-800-265-2624
MeridianMeridian has 3 branches in Hamilton.1-866-592-2226
Mortgage AllianceN/A
motusbankMotusBank is a digital bank and has no branches in Hamilton.1-833-696-6887
National BankThe National Bank has 2 branches in Hamilton.1-855-755-9533 (Option 4)
Northern BirchNorthern Birch Credit Union has 1 branch in HamiltonNo Direct Number
Pathwise Credit UnionPathwise Credit Union has no branches in Hamilton.
RapportRapport Credit Union has 1 branch in HamiltonNo Direct Number
RBCRBC has 15 branches in Hamilton. 1-800-769-2511
SBI Canada BankSBI Bank Canada has no branches in Hamilton.No Direct Number
ScotiabankScotiabank has 13 branches in Hamilton. 1-877-303-8879
Simplii FinancialSimplii Financial is a digital bank and has no branches in Hamilton. 1-888-866-0866
TangerineTangerine Bank has no branches in Hamilton.1-888-826-4374
TDTD Bank has over 15 branches in Hamilton. 1-800-722-3098
YNCUYNCU has no branches in HamiltonNo Direct Number


  • Any analysis or commentary reflects the opinions of WOWA.ca analysts and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult a licensed professional before making any decisions.
  • The calculators and content on this page are for general information only. WOWA does not guarantee the accuracy and is not responsible for any consequences of using the calculator.
  • Financial institutions and brokerages may compensate us for connecting customers to them through payments for advertisements, clicks, and leads.
  • Interest rates are sourced from financial institutions' websites or provided to us directly. Real estate data is sourced from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and regional boards' websites and documents.